Monday, 3 September 2012

Decisions, Decisions

One area where I struggle with my photographs, is deciding which ones to use.  I found this particularly difficult for my Graded Unit last year at college - I had taken hundreds as part of the project, and was forced to whittle the selection down to ten.  It was a major headache, but at least I had the theme of Connections to use as a parameter.  If I loved a shot, but couldn't really justify it under the theme heading, it was out.  This Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Project however is a bit different.  All the shots I've taken are of food I've eaten so they're all relevant and they're all up for use.  Most of the time, I have an idea in my head, attempt to set it up and then pick the best shot.  This morning, I woke up hungry and I was more concerned with eating my breakfast than shooting it.  The more observant may notice that there are six quarters of toast in these shots.  That's because I had to wolf down half a slice of toast before I even got the camera out!  The consequence of this was that I was a little muddled in my thinking and wasn't quite sure how I wanted the final shot to look.  So I took a few variants and now I can't decide which one I like the best.  In the end, I posted the more minimal looking one to the project, but I quite like the warmth and colour to be found in the second.  I'm still not sure I made the right decision.

Last week, we went to CostCo for a top-up of general supplies.  They have a photography competition running until the end of this month.  The theme is wide open - Give Us Your Best Shot, or something very like that.  I'd like to enter.  But that means picking out which is my best shot.  Given the trouble I had deciding between the two above for a simple little personal project, I don't think I stand a chance!!

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